
June 2, 2023
Introducing Widget Builder

We're thrilled to announce the release of Widget Builder, a powerful new tool that makes it easier than ever to customize your widgets and see your changes in real-time!

With Widget Builder, you have complete control over your widget preferences. You can choose from a range of options to customize the look and feel of your widget, including color schemes, placement, and more. And the best part? You can see your changes live as you make them, so you can be confident that your widget will look exactly how you want it to.

Click here to check it out.

March 2023
March 10, 2023

API v1.2.0

  • March 10, 2023
  • API
  • v1.2.0

Added new /roadmap/{roadmap_id}/updates endpoint.


Added new Roadmap Update webhook events:

  • roadmap_update:created: occurs whenever a new roadmap update is created.
  • roadmap_update:updated: occurs whenever a roadmap update is updated.
  • roadmap_update:deleted: occurs whenever a roadmap update is deleted.

Added change_types to the organization payload.


Added roadmap().updates method to Node.js SDK.


Removed organization_id from all resources.


Removed page_domain from the organization resource.

January 2023
January 28, 2023

Widget v2.1.0


Added new loaded event. Includes releases and roadmap items.


Added empty state copy.


BREAKING CHANGE - the ready event doesn’t include release data. Use the new loaded event instead.


The new_release event now triggered for custom triggers as well.


Fixed the scroll position on project and view select.

November 2022
November 30, 2022

We’ve added two new handy methods to our JavaScript Widget.

  • onsetWidget.update() - updates widget options. Useful when updating the widget’s theme to match the embedded site’s look.
  • onsetWidget.reload() - reloads the widget with the new data source and options.
June 2022
June 26, 2022

Developers rejoice. Onset JavaScript SDK is officially here! We have made three different packages available for your disposal. All packages are available via NPM and YARN and include type definitions.


Primarily used in the browser for loading public releases.


Onset API JavaScript interface.


We recommend that you should always be loaded the Widget.js script directly from https://widget.onset.io/widget.js, rather than including it in a bundle or host yourself. If must bundle the Widget code into your application, you can use this package.